Pregnancy brain ?


I had to get my prenatal blood work taken yesterday and I couldn't find my wallet which shocked me because I'm super responsible. I looked EVERYWHERE. Looked in my purse about 4 times, car, bosses car, called every place I had been the day before, police lost and found and nothing. So I had to buy a new ID, call and cancel all of my cards but the worst part for me was that my sister bought the wallet for me before she passed away and it means everything to me plus it's coach. Last night I was crying about the sentimental part of losing it. I went to go show my boyfriend my new ID ( the picture actually came out good for once ) and while going to grab it in my purse I grabbed MY WALLET. I had my purse on me all day and never came across it.🙄 I felt like such an idiot. 🤦😆