We got this ladies!


Sometimes we dont understand! I know at times i dont but i have felt and still have that inch of hope for God said if we have faith as small as a mustard seed... And that means we need just a little bit of faith. God said for we walk by faith and not by sight and that his plans succeed. Sometime we try to go ahead of him sometime we wonder what did i do wrong and why did so and so get pregnant when at the moment they cant even afford to have a child. But God comes back and reminds us of who he is. And that everyone has a season and not to look to the left nor right but to praise each other in good times for our time is coming and we would want the same. With all this being said.. Yes.. I have felt your feelings of disappointment and sadness and not even liking pregnant women and or the jealous eye tries to rise up and im sure other women have too whether they admit it or not but we are to also remember there is a season for us all to receieve the many blessings God has for us.. For instance.. Your sister may get a house before you but you may land the dream job youve always wanted before her. Sometimes we may not even know some of their secrets... That though they got a positive they probably didnt tell us it was a struggle and had to use <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> or they have pcos as i had which caused the struggle. So ladies lets keep our heads up. Keep on keeping that body in shape. Dont lose hope and keep on pressing for oneday it will be our time and not only that but itll be the right timing. When my husband and i thought we were ready... Looking back actually would not have been a good time. And if God had let it happend... Would have definitely been a struggle. If u understand what i mean.

We got this ladies! Believe! Hope! Faith! Don't give up! Keep that body looking good with exercise and vitamins to help our baby when ita time! Keep pressing! Until then we all will keep each other uplifted and rejoicing with one another.. Even when that jealous eye rises up!