Saying Farewell


I have been a member on <a href="">Eve</a> for a little bit over 2yrs. I joined when I discovered I have fibroids and endometriosis. It has helped me track my periods which can be difficult and reading all of your stories of TTC, Birth Stories, and stories of encouragement. The past 6-8months my periods of gradually gotten worse and harder to know when the are coming. It’s painful to have intercourse with my husband, one of the fibroids due to the location was pressing on my right kidney and was causing me pain literally all day every day, and I’m so fatigued pretty much everyday it’s hard for me to do my job (12hr shifts at a hospital) and be there for my husband and our 3 kids. I ended up going to 3 different doctors 2 of them were surgeons and 1 of those 2 was an oncologist due to the fact they found precancerous or cancerous cells when I had taken a MRI. They did a biopsy and thankfully my test were all negative but all 3 of the doctors suggested I get a total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral Fallopian tube removal. Well after much discussion with my mom who also went thru the same disease and my husband as we both agreed not to have any more children. (We have 3 together and he has 1 from a previous relationship.) I came to the conclusion to go ahead with the surgery and remove my uterus, cervix, and Fallopian tubes. Leaving my ovaries because they are healthy and that means I wouldn’t need to take hormone pills for the rest of my life. I had the surgery Feb. 13 and for the first 5-6 days I could not do a thing. I was in extreme pain could barely move. Couldn’t eat. I just started eating again and I can’t eat very much. I don’t have an appetite and eat very small meals. Thank God for my mom and dad for taking care of our kids so that my wonderful amazing husband could take care of me which he did a great job at. Made sure I tried to eat, had my meds, helped me shower and rest. Didn’t have to worry about anything during my recovery because he was amazing. I’m happy to say that today 7 days after my surgery I am doing much better. No pains at all, can walk and laugh without pain, I still don’t have much of an appetite but that will get better. I return to work March 9th and I cannot wait to go to work and be pain free from the fibroids and endometriosis. Especially not having the kidney pain!!! I am only 32 and I know I am pretty young to have this procedure done but I thank God that I do have my children and my husband because I love being a mother and there are women out there that are told to have this procedure at a young age before they have any kids because the severity of the disease. Everybody is different and I am glad I will be able to have a normal life from now on and spend more time with my family instead of needing a nap all the time and being out of commission for 7-10 days each month due to my cycle. I pray that all of you ladies that are TTC are blessed with their babies and I hope all of you women stay healthy and beautiful and thank you for your wonderful stories into your life. GOODBYE TO MY CYLE!!!!