FertilityFriend... worth the upgrade?

Sarah • 34 y/o. Baby boy born Jan 15, 2020. Pregnant with # 2. Stepmom to a 14 year old.

Hey ladies! I've heard such great things about FF for tracking, and I've just entered as much historical data as possible.

Im currently using 4 different apps (#overkill) because I like certain features, but so far, not one (free) app has it all rolled into 1. I really like PreMom because it actually visually graphs your LH level on the chart with your BBT.

But I'm wondering who of you have paid for the premium upgrade on FertilityFriend, and if you feel it is worth it! Is the additional charts and data really worth it, or is the basic FF good enough? Just want to hear all your perspectives before jumping the gun! Your comments and input is greatly appreciated!! Xox Baby dust!

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