
5 years ago my freshman year of high school, I got taken from my highschool in an ambulance to the er with pain on the right side of my abdomen. I got to the hospital and they asked when my last period was (I was currently on it and told them that) they drew my blood and said my white cell count was normal that it was just cramps from my period. The pain continued even after my period stopped, so I went back to the er and they ran a blood test and a cat scan. Again they said there was nothing wrong with me and sent me home. 2 months later the pain was still happening I was in tears every night constant pain and could barely eat, so we went to a different hospital they ran a blood test and cat scan with an iv contrast, they saw that I had a stone in my appendix and the lymph nodes in my lower right abdomen were swollen. They told me it was probably a virus in my lymphatic system and that it would run its corse and I wouldn't have these issues anymore. Sense then I've gone to the hospital a minimum of 7 times a year because the pain becomes to much for me to handle. in the last 8 months ive started throwing up blood (yes I went to the er when it started happening). I still have the stone in my appendix the swelling in my lymph nodes hasn't changed and now I throw up blood on a constant basis and I cant keep any food down, my pcp put me on bed rest because of it so I had to quit my job and yet they still won't tell me anything and won't do anything I feel like I'm slowly dying and no one is willing to help. can someone give me advice ( I'm sorry if this is hard to understand my brain is fuzzy most of the time and it's very hard to keep most of my thoughts strait)

April 2018 225 lbs

July 2018 207 lbs

Nov 2018 180

Jan 2019153 lbs

No I have not been exercising this weight loss is from being sick the weight loss just started in the last year