Does this sound like kidney stones?


For almost two weeks now I’ve been urinating differently. It burns a little (not a lot or unbearable) and comes out really weak. I know when I get anxious really bad I can’t urinate properly. My muscles won’t relax “down there” and then it makes me even more anxious because I’m afraid there’s something seriously wrong with me. I’ll psych myself out and think I’ll have bladder cancer. Today is the first I haven’t felt super anxious in almost 2 weeks, and “down there” felt a little pained and stingy like. I went to go pee and my urine stream started off weak, and then immediately flowed normally. It felt relieving, but when I looked in the toilet, there was what looked like a little off white particle. I feel fine down there now, except it feels like it’s throbbing. It doesn’t hurt, it just feels almost like something passed through.

Does this sound like kidney stones to anyone or am I just psyching myself out? The less I think about it, the more these symptoms go away. But I don’t knowww!!

I haven’t had any other symptoms of a kidney stone rather than occasional burning sensations down there and a weak stream (which I feel came from anxiety).