Disastrous Honeymoon


My husband and I got married on February 9th and because we don't have a lot of money my parents paid for a hotel room with a king sized bed while they take our 4 month old son for the night. What started off the shit show was the fact that we are pot smokers and the front doors of the hotel are locked after 9pm so we couldn't go out to smoke meaning we had to open up our hotel room window, making it extremely cold, so that we could smoke. Next we realized we were really hungry and thirsty because not only had we just smoked 3 bowls but because we barely ate or drank anything all night! So tap water and left over mash potatoes without a fork it was! And then he fell alseep

So this is a picture of my husband of 6 hours sleeping during our honeymoon, I honestly didn't mind we were both wiped out!