I dont even know anymore..

So I got with my boyfriend back in May 29, of 2017, he left for Job Corps in January 29, of 2018, he cheated on me once (that I know of. I also only found out due to a gut feeling and hacking his Facebook and other media's). Anyway he cheated on me that one time, that I'm aware of, in March 17th, of 2018, and he was at Job Corps from January to December. He claims he didnt cheat on me except that one time, but when he got home I went through his snap chat (without his knowledge) and found a snap that wasnt sent to me but it had to caption, "hey baby girl" with the fire emoji thing so I dont know. I cant attack him on just that since the snapdate was back in June of 2018. But anyway fast forward to now, he is really weird with his phone, he has always been that way. He flips every time I even touch the damn thing. Well last night I had a dream that he had cheated on me more than once back in Utah and that he was cheating on me now (still talking about my dream). So this morning I woke up kind of upset. But I also have this gut feeling because I have panic attacks. I had a really really bad one yesterday as well and he didnt even try to comfort me after him realizing I was having a panic attack. So that's a sign to me that something is up. (Because last year back in March also was my Grandmothers birthday and I was really upset that day and he acted as if he didn't care at all) Another sign something is up is because my phone isnt working because it was shut off, so I'm not receiving any phone calls or texts or anything. But I went to the doctor today to do blood work to see if I'm pregnant (it's a secret no one know thats what the blood work was for, not even him) anyway so they are suppose to call me tomorrow with the results of the blood work. I put his number down so they could still get ahold of me. I came home and told him that I was expecting a call tomorrow and if he could leave his phone with me (he works at a prison and cant take his phone into the facility anyway so I thought what's the big deal of him leaving it with me) but he told me no and got all defensive about leaving the phone with me. He also said that he had told his Mother he would call her on his lunch break, which I get. He can come out of the facility and call her then go back in. But since I'm really needing his phone for that call, I suggested he text her explaining my phone isnt working right now and that he would call her another day but he still flipped out and said no. He told me I could just call them back when he gets off of work. And he kept bringing up the fact that he has issues with other people having his phone. You know which I get, he wants privacy that's fine but we are going to have been together for 2 years in May so you would think he would trust me a little bit to use his phone for a call. So it just makes me uneasy and makes me think something really is going on and that he is cheating on me again. I told my sister tonight when she came over for dinner and she said hes cheating again... I dont know what to do or what to think... the only person I would have spoke to about this was my Grandmother, but she passed away back on 2017 in January.. I need help.. I'm also praying to God that the blood work comes back negative..if it doesn't I dont know what I'm going to do. I would have to abort it, which I dont want to do but I would have to because my family would flip and as you read my boyfriend and I aren't really in a good place...hence the lack of trust with the phones...