Should I test now or later? 😬

So I am currently 1 date late (Today makes day 2) and I’m not sure if I should test in the morning or wait a couple of days. I do feel somewhat different compared to previous months but I don’t want to symptom spot. Some of my symptoms have been horrible indigestion, gassy, increased appetite, urinating more (also diarrhea 🤢) In the beginning I noticed my CM was a little different and increased, now it’s back to normal (before af comes) I did have to check my undies today because I thought AF had arrived but it was all wetness (sorry tmi) almost like I peed my pants. I’ve had a pulling and tugging feeling since ovulation, also cramping here and there. A little more sensitive to smell than usual and today I had a FULL FORCE MELTDOWN, which is so odd for me. I tested at 8 and 11 DPO according to glow and got BFN 👎🏽 both times. I’m not sure if I should wait it out or test ASAP! I’m very anxious and definitely hoping for my BFP 🤞🏽🤞🏽✨💗💙💗💙