

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to give you an update what’s going on with me since you were all such a great support. So my beta was negative surprise surprise. I was upset and angry for about a day before I talked to my dr. But then I snapped out of it.

My dr thinks it was an abnormal embryo. Since we didn’t test even though it looked awesome, there could have been an abnormality. She said my lining looked really good so she doesn’t think it was a lining issue.

She gave me two options for moving ahead. We can do another transfer right away, or we can do an ERA. She didn’t recommend the ERA at this time. She strongly thinks it was the embryo so she recommended the transfer. That’s what we are going to do. I tried to get her to transfer two but she was strongly against it. Hubby also doesn’t want to transfer two unless dr recommends it so looks like we are transferring one again. It looks like transfer will be in the beginning of April.

So now I’m just waiting for my period to show up so I can get back on birth control to gear up for the next FET. It’s really nice being off the hormones though. I didn’t realize how crazy they were making me. But I’m back to my normal self which is awesome.

Good luck to everyone going forward. We will all get our BFPs eventually!!