I think school is a trigger for me.


So I’m in school to become a dental assistant, I have been in school for about 3 1/2 months. At first I was fine, excited , loving class and loving my classmates and teacher. Grades perfect. Never had an issue. But this month, I kept getting sick to my stomach , going to class feeling anxious, started missing days from being sick . And I don’t have medical as of right now to see a doctor & cause of our school’s policy you need a doctors note to excuse you so you don’t get a 0 for that day of work . So far I’ve missed 5-6 days out of 15 for this module. Seeing my grades go down made me more anxious, and desperate to go to school but for some reason every day I try to go to school I have have a full on Anxiety attack . Tears , hyperventilating, shaking and everything . I had class today and tried to go but literally..AGAIN had an anxiety attack and I’m still a bit shaky. I don’t want to tell my mom cause she’ll be super upset and I don’t wanna tell my boyfriend cause he might be too. I can still go to work and be perfectly fine . Idk why I keep Freaking out..Help me& tell me what you think?