Timing and First Retrieval Advice


I was so excited to finally receive my plan from my Nurse yesterday. Little did I know that my excitement and happiness would be short lived.

My husband has a medical conference where he is supposed to be presenting during all of the 3 tentative dates provided by the clinic. 😪

I was hoping he wouldn’t really care to go to this conference he seems to be really upset that we can’t move the retrieval.

I lost sleep all night, because he was upset. I told him he can go to his conference and we can just freeze his sample. He insists that he wants to be there. I know he is annoyed/upset at the dates.

He asked me if I could push my cycle ONE more month. I really don’t want to, because I have been waiting for this for so long. We are also delayed because it took him almost a month to provide samples and blood work to our doctor because of his work.

What gives? What should I do? I feel so sad that he isn’t even remotely happy 😪