People who have air traveled with breast pumps


I am taking a plane trip for the first time after giving birth. I will not be taking my baby (who will be 3 1/2 months) as it's only 2 days. So I will be bringing my spectra 1 and pumping while I'm away.

I've researched online about checking with the airlines to see if it qualifies as a medical device and also about declaring the milk I pump with TSA.

But I'd like to hear from anybody who has actually done this before. Did you have problems? Were they nice about it? Do they test every container of milk or just one at random? If I can bring it totally frozen in a cooler will it be easier? Anything else I should know or any useful tips would be appreciated!

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I flew several times for business while breastfeeding and had very different experiences at each airport. First off, I always carried a separate bag with my pump and cooler and never had an issues with airlines. The real problem is TSA. I've had times where they haven't even pulled my milk out for testing. Other times I have been given a very hard time. Make sure to tell the agent that you are carrying breast milk and would like them to use gloves while handling it. You may get backlash (one time I was asked, "So you're meaning to tell me you want me to walk all the may over there and change my gloves just to accommodate you?") Why yes, I do! Stand your ground. Airports are filthy and that is your baby's food. Do not let them place your milk bags/containers directly into the bins, either.I was told (after almost an hour of testing individual bags) that they prefer the milk to be stored in bottles. Then, they can put the bottles on a scanner and don't have to open them up. Not sure if that is the case everywhere.Also, it may be easier to travel without ice packs and purchase ice after security. They may make you toss the packs if they're not 100% frozen.Not to make you nervous, but there seems to be some kind of a stigma about flying with breast milk. I hope you have a good experience, but the amount of comments and backlash I've received while traveling is ridiculous. It can be intimidating, but you are well in your rights, so be pushy.


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I have flown plenty of times breastfeeding. I honestly have not had real bad experiences.👌🏾 There have a few times where TSA gave me a rough time, but not many. My worst experience was actually during an international trip.