My partner may get a vasectomy

Honestly, y’all, I wasn’t entirely sure where to post this, but I feel like it belongs here.

So, since my boyfriend and I (he’s 26 and I’m 23) started dating, we’ve both agreed on the fact that we don’t want kids. It’s not that we don’t like kids or that we’ve NEVER wanted them, but both of us are really concerned about the environment. All of the recent reports about climate change are frightening, but we don’t seem to be doing anything about them.

When we first met, I was on birth control, but it was causing me a lot of problems, so I got it taken out. He had mentioned getting a vasectomy, so we started talking about it. Tomorrow he’s going to a consultation, and hopefully I’ll be able to go with him, but it’s difficult because we don’t have a place of our own yet, as we’ve been trying to save money. It makes things complicated because he doesn’t want his parents to know. Because they’ll get upset.. And I don’t want my parents to find out either because they’d also be furious. I don’t want to have kids because I don’t feel I can guarantee a future for them in this world. My partner feels the same way. Don’t we have a right to make that decision? Aren’t these OUR bodies? It just feels like we’ll be hurting everyone’s feelings if he goes through with it, and that upsets me. He’s pretty okay because he doesn’t care what everyone thinks, but I’m having a hard time. What do y’all think?