“You tested positive for HIV”

You tested positive for HIV, you need to come in for additional testing”. My heart stopped. I thought to myself how could I possibly got this, When did I ever put myself at risk for this disease,How long have I had it? I went into the doctors office that day still crying. Not knowing what my future could possibly look like. They did additional blood test and told me that in a week they’ll call me just to confirm the diagnosis. It was the longest week of my life. I didn’t leave the house. I didn’t shower, I didn’t talk to anyone, I just wanted to die. I always thought recreational drug users and gay males were the only ones at risk. I knew HIV wasn’t a death sentence anymore due to treatments and that with treatment it can be undetectable. I eventually told myself ok, I can do this. I can live a happy life even being HIV+. A week passed and I got a call from my doctor. “Your additional test came back negative, your test was a false positive due to pregnancy. It was by far the best call I have ever received. Immediately I started doing research on false positive HIV test. They happen 0.4% of the time. It’s something that nobody talks or wants to talk about. You can get a false positive from a number of things. One thing this whole experience has showed me was this disease does not discriminate. Anybody is at risk. The discrimination is quite sad considering so many people have been exposed. It’s not a death sentence like it use to be. You can live a perfectly healthy life with HIV as long as you get treatment. I will continue to donate and help find a cure for this disease. This experience has opened my eyes in a whole new way. It’s something that everyone needs to be more educated on and get tested regularly.