don’t do drugs my loves😭😭😭

last week me and my friend (let’s call her Jay) we got sooo damnnn highh yeooo. see im a newbie to smoking weed cuz i’ve only done it a couple of times and when me and her did it , it was my first time using a dutch and shit. thhhaaattt shiiitt hadddd usss triippinngggg. i deadass texted the dude i was talking to at the time (he’s been my friend forever) saying shit like “omg i love you so much” “i’m so lucky” “you’re my world” etc etc. WE ENDED UP WALKING TO THE LIBRARY and don’t even ask me how we managed to get out of the house because i cant even tell you. we got to that library quick as shit tho. the entire way there is blurry. on the way there, we ran into our friend (let’s call her Kai)... ion even remember the conversation i had with her but apparently i was in the street LMAOO never in my life have i been so bugged out from smoking weed. apparently it was the dutch but idk. all ik is that i remember what happened, pero it all felt like a vivid dream. don’t do drugs yall 🤣🤣🤣