TTC Rant


Right now I’m in so much pain. I haven’t missed a period before. I’m not on birth control. My bf and I don’t use any sort of protection. During my fertile window we bd when and as much as we could. Two weeks later, af is due. The days pass. No sign, but I still don’t want to get my hopes up too much. Here I am today, 5 almost 6 days late. Which for me is my whole period. So, I caved today and bought a test. When the test came back negative, tears welled up in my eyes. I held it all back. Now, I lay here in bed wondering why did I miss my period? What did I do to deserve this pain? I just wish it wasn’t like this. I’m just laying in bed, tears streaming down my face with my fur baby comforting me. This is all just so frustrating.