Surely it’s close! 🤔

40+1 weeks today.

At 39+6 weeks, I was losing quite a bit of mucous over the period of the day.

Then yesterday, I had a stretch and sweep (OB could very easily get 1 finger in between cervix and membranes; and could feel baby’s head).

Got a bishop score of 7 - cervix mid position; 4cm dilated; extremely soft cervix; baby 2/5 engaged.

Last night, I was having a lot pressure and pain in my vagina. That was followed by a popping feeling in my lower abdomen, followed by a lot of mucus coming out.

Now today, I’ve had heaps more mucus come out throughout the day, now with small streaks of blood (couldn’t get my camera to focus, so you can’t really see it, but you can see it in person).