Just found this out!

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

So I’m freaking out a little. I just found out a few days ago that my OBGYN will no longer be taking vaginal births on his client load. He has been my OBGYN for 17 years and has delivered all of my children (except my last, a doctor whom he rotated with did. Someone I know and am comfortable with). I’m so scared to get a new doctor when I become pregnant. I’m currently in the 2WW (I am 9DPO right now) and know I cant find a doctor yet either way, but I’m looking. I did think to have the doctor who delivered my daughter, she was really awesome and has 33 years experience. There is another doctor who worked with my current OBGYN for awhile too, who is really nice. Both are female which is a change as I had a male doctor. I’m just so upset though. I LOVE and completely trust my doctor. I was an hour away from a c-section with my daughter. I had just hit the 24 hour mark on pitocin when, lucky, i had progressed enough to have my water broken. After that it was minutes and she was born. (I know I will progress extremely fast once my water is broken, but due to a health condition I was unable to have it done until I was already past 6cm)

What if I need a c-section with this next baby? And I wanted to have my tubes tied after this baby. But I only want my doctor to do that. I’ve NEVER had any type of surgery. I’ve had a LEEP done and I’ve had a colonoscopy and that is all.

I know I sound silly, but I really loved my doctor. I was 15 when I started seeing him.

It’s going to be a HUGE change. 😞