Pregnant again after 3 miscarriages HELP


I’ve had 3 miscarriages in the last 6montbs but now I’m pregnant again and need some advise .

My first baby was lost in sept at 10 weeks but baby never developed passed 4/5 weeks I miscarried naturally and lost a lot of weight somewhere between 30-35 pounds I had one period then I found out I was pregnant again

Baby#2 I miscarried at around 5 weeks no baby on ultrasound or heartbeat or anything

Baby#3 I got pregnant with only 2 weeks after miscarrying before and I miscarried 2 days after finding out I was pregnant . Now one month later I’m pregnant again after having a period .I had my period January 27th I’ve tested 2 times last week sometime and they were negative (I tested way too early )but this week I’m getting positives

my period was around 1 week away when I got my positives . I should only be around 4 weeks or less but my insurance is really fucked up I told my primary care about my miscarriages but my last miscarriage was Jan 1st and I haven’t been to an ob since going to the er .some obs I called said they can’t help me for 3 miscarriages and said I had to go to a fertility dr . I’m just really nervous about losing this baby I can’t see a fertilty dr until March 27th and I lost all 3 babies early so it might be too late if i wait I’m not sure if I should go to an ob ASAP what could they even do to prevent a miscarriage ? Or should I wait for the fertility appointment I have no idea what I should do I don’t want to loose this baby.. something is wrong with my body but idk