Period or left over from MC?


So I found out I was pregnant 01/25/19 first pregnancy, I was a little over 4 weeks. On 01/28/19 I started spotting brown, 01/30/19 bled super heavy which I believe is when I miscarried. 02/06/19 went to the dr pregnancy was negative bleeding had stopped already, we started trying that night. Then 02/17/19 I start cramping all day so I thought my period is coming but nothing that day, next still some cramping but not really but still no period. Then the next day no cramping at all, but finally on 02/20/19 i start spotting and having some discharge with brown, now I’m going on the third day just some discharge not really a flow some spotting and when I go pee, can this be my period or left from the mc? Or what can this be it’s ; weeks since my miscarriage and 2 weeks since I started trying again. Helppp! I really want my rainbow baby!