Religion and compromise affecting my marriage. Has anyone else been through this?

I just want some advice or to know I'm not alone. My husband and I were both born and raised Christian but we were raised diffrent denominations. I was raised catholic. We are not perfect people. I will say that I am not an active practicer of the faith I was raised. As I have gotten older I have come to realize that there are some things they teach that are well not what I believe. I started to attend my husband's church with him many years ago and I did like it. I really respected it and enjoyed the way they preached and made me feel like I have a closer connection with myself,my family and God. About a year ago my husbands chur h however started basing their services off of money. They said things like how you should give up your entire life savings and cars and pretty much any penny you had so they could get an addition on their church 1 million dollars worth. I was very turned off by this and how they would relate this with the bible. I felt that was totally wrong in my opinion. I'm all for making donations but this was getting absurd while all of the pastors asking are driving around in fancy expensive cars.

My husband has been attending this church since he was a little boy. And he is uncomfortable with the fact I would like us to go to a Church we both enjoy.

Am I wrong for being upset by this? Am I being selfish? Sometimes I feel some resentment about this even though we love each other so much.

I have stepped out of my comfort zone and attended his church with him. In his religion they dont believe in baptizing babies until they are older. So I did not get our daughter baptized another thing is she attends a Christian school that his mom teaches at. That is great. But we moved to a new school district because she will be going to public school eventually. I would really like her to start kindergarten at a public school so she can makes friends and not come in later but he wont listen to that.

I guess I'm venting or seeking advice. Anything? Thanks for reading.