Has anyone had a similar situation?


On the 19th I was supposed to start my period, the day before I had some cramping so I thought for sure I was out for the month. Well on the 20th I took a pregnancy test which came out with a very faint positive, took two more later on and got two more very faint positives. Well that night I got some brown spotting. I thought given the color and small amount I would be ok. Well the next day (the 21st or yesterday) I woke up bleeding. So the bleeding was similar to what I get for a period, which is on the lighter side but the blood was a regular red period color. I only blead for a day and went back to spotting today. I had gone to the doctors yesterday and she also got a faint positive and said it was "inconclusive" so she ordered a blood test to check my hcg levels. Well those came back positive but very low. She wants me to have them checked again in a week and see if they went up or down. I'm assuming it's chemical but I'm wondering if anyone had something similar happen with a positive outcome? Thank you