I think I may have endometriosis should I go to the doctor or am I just complaining too much?

Ever since I could remember my period has been horrible with cramps and passing huge clots and pain on other places (specifically my butt area) 😬. I recently did dome investigation into the symptoms of endometriosis and I have basically every one. Pain with sex sometimes, really heavy periods for the first 4 days of my period ( I can bleed through a super tampon in a hour on my heavy days), spotting for the next 3 or so days after my 7 day period, nausea to the point I actually throw up sometimes, and random cramping in between periods. I just told my co worker I have it cause I was at work and I consider her a good friend and I explained a few symptoms I have and she just goes no you don’t have it. My sister has it and it’s not like that. That kinda hurt especially when women already have to fight to be heard when they’re in the doctors office, how can we fix that if we don’t even believe each other woman to woman. Either way. What do y’all think? Should I be concerned?