Fertility rant


I am currently 21 weeks pregnant and was warned pretty early that people would say many stupid things and make ridiculous comments so I knew it would happen. BUT the number 1 comment or questions I seem to be getting is that I need to have more and more babies asap or I'm asked when there will be a second (side note: I mostly get this because my baby is a boy and my in-laws wanted a girl)

I think if people knew the reality of how long it took to get pregnant, how hard trying can be and that it's a miracle getting passed the first trimester maybe they would shut their mouth's more. I am so very grateful to be carrying my son and enjoy every moment and can't wait to bring him in the world.

Instead of skipping ahead and planning out my future babies and forgetting to be in the moment, I choose to love and enjoy the rainbow baby I'm currently cooking! We feel so lucky and plan to love him to pieces because babies are the miracle they are not part of a novelty collection. 🤷‍♀️ I do not need to catch them all.

Rant over