WTH Do I Do With My Baby All Day?! 🤔

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

To preface this, I’m currently a stay-at-home mom so entertaining her during the day is all on me. She just turned six months old and is becoming more active and aware, but she can’t quite sit up yet or crawl. She loves watching tv and playing in her exersaucer, but I just read that children under 2 shouldn’t watch TV period because it messes with brain development, and I’ve also read that time in the exersaucer should be limited to two 30 minute sessions per day maximum. We do floor time too, she does some tummy time and plays with her activity gym, we sing songs and I read to her, but I can’t hold her attention the way the tv does, so she ends up watching more tv than she should because I don’t know what more to do than I’m already doing and I feel like a bad mom everyday because of it. After reading that stuff about no tv, I’d like to take it away tomorrow, but what else should I add? We generally have 10 hours to kill, with a few naps thrown in.