Depo shot

Hello everyone,

My first shot was October 22,2018. With all the spotting and general grossness that occurs down there; my bf and I decided not to have sex. January 7th I just got back from a out of country trip with my girlfriends. The grossness was no more and I was ready. I knew my next shot was due the 22nd of January. So I took extra precautions and took Plan B for backup.

January 22nd comes and I have a negative pregnancy test. I get the 2nd shot and I’m on my way.

My breast starts to hurt, and I become very emotional. Which yes, I know can be symptoms that the shot has at times. So I shrugged it off.

I also got a very bad cold at the same time so I was pounding cold medicine and I upped my antidepressant because of how emotional I had been(I spoke with my dr prior to making the change) February comes and I’m beyond tired, and hungry, and my coffee isn’t tasting good anymore. I started getting a lot of cramps. Sunday February 9th, I took a pregnancy test. Came back positive, took another same thing.

Went to see my provider for a ultrasound and I ended up being 6 weeks and 4 days along.

My boyfriend and I decided to have a medication abortion; which can be done at home.

We have decided to use condoms as well now, although when I was on the shot (several years ago) with a different partner; I did not end up pregnant.

With very bad cramps and pains early on in a pregnancy it is less likely to be viable.

I did not make this decision lightly and have mixed feelings about everything. But at this moment I would not be able to give a baby what I would want to give; my time, energy and the financial stability I would like to have. He and I are not ready for a child and we took extra steps to prevent this.

No birth control is 100%, use two forms when possible.

Sustain is a brand that is all natural and does not disrupt your natural Ph level. Which helps prevent BV. (BV can be caused by certain lubricants and the ingredients that are in them)

Take care of yourself physically and mentally.