Is this diarrhea? Stomach bug vs. reflux?!


My LO has been on Alimentum for 11 days. He had a few big spit ups before and blood in his stool so his doctor had us switch bc of milk protein intolerance. Since being on the formula, he’s been an angel baby. Taking bigger bottles, going longer between feeds and hardly fussing or crying at all.

Then today, he spit up/vomited 3 of 4 consecutive bottles. Like several large mouthfuls. It seem more like a vomit to me bc I could hear him heaving from his belly and he was very upset afterward. Yet he still seems to have an appetite. I’m including a poop pic bc it looks kind of diarrhea-ish to me and if that’s the case I think this is probably a virus.

My fear is that it’s actually an indication of really bad reflux and it’s something we will have to deal with long term. It’s just so hard to tell the difference between spit up and vomit.