Miscarriage? Graphic ph otos btw

long story 

found out I was pregnant very early on ... doc suggested I had scan to check it wasnt a tubular pregnancy... scan showed I was 4w 5d and could see the sac but no feral pole which was l normal at that date and hcg level was rising. Fast forward ntwo weeks later I started spotting (first pic) and has continued for six days now... starting very light to changing between dark red to brown to pink again etc... has never been enough to fill a pad... and only ever get a small amount on my underwear first thing in the morning when I get up to pee... doc booked a scan and showed my sac had grown and was measuring at 5w 4d and still no fetal pole or yolk sac... (tranvaginal was done too) day after the scan I woke up and had a blood in the toilet... and a small amount when I pee....now I’m getting what’s in the last photo... and cramps on off all day....still have tender breasts (the only symptoms I had since I found out) doctor has said it’s a waiting game to see what happens and recommend I get more bloods on Monday to see what my hcg has done ..... is this most likely a miscarriage/blighted Ovum ? Or has anyone experienced this before ? Just trying to get some advice 😕☹️....