Bottle size for BF babe?


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So I have started pumping and feeding my LO a bottle as his last feed before bed that way I know exactly how much food he's getting. I did this in hopes it would help him sleep longer at night and it has totally worked! He is now going 4.5 to 5.5 hours between feeds over night! YAY!

But I'm curious, is anyone else's 6 week old drinking a 6 oz bottle?! I filled his bottle to 6 oz to try and guage how much he may be getting from my breasts the first few nights when I switched him to the bottle and I couldn't believe it when he sucked the bottle dry!

Is this normal?

Is it possible to overfeed?

Is it possible/ okay for me to give him more than this if he is still searching after he has drank his 6 oz?