Very, very confused HELP please


I need help to understand my cycle... I’m 26 years old and TTC... I’ve always had irregular AF and a lot of medical unindentifed issues...

so this is the first month that I did opk and measured BBT, also I did blood tests od cycle day 5 and 21 (I’ll put pictures of everything in post).

My blood tests came not so great...

on cycle day 5 my estrogen level is low, it’s 57 and should be at least 77.

On cycle day 21 my progesteron level is 0.23 and should be 5.3-86.

So my opks were getting darker until CD15, then light also my temp was a little strange.

And yesterday on CD26 I felt pain very bad (almost like kidney stone pain - had a few od them) in my lower abdomen on right side and had a temp 37.5C.

Could it be that I ovulated yesterday? Is it posibile to ovulate with female hormones this low?