I always prayed I would never have to go through this


I have such bad anxiety that naturally I always think the worse, always harp on everything, replay any and all situations in my head. After having a MC at 8 weeks I feel completely and utterly shattered. Some days are ok and some days are completely worst. I feel anger & sadness. I can’t help but ponder why? What did I do to deserve this? I then get upset with myself because I am one of the “lucky” ones that was able to pass naturally without any complications. However, I do feel like I won’t be “lucky” next time. I feel like I’m never going to be able to carry a healthy baby full term, and as if that thought hasn’t scared me before my MC, I’m completely and utterly terrified now. My husband and o have been together for 8 years and married almost 2. We’ve been actively trying for about a year now, however, we never used protection before and I was never on Birth Control. I just don’t understand how all these girls get pregnant by “accident”. How unfit mothers end up having multiple kids by multiple different guys as I’m over here praying so hard that my husband and I get blessed with a healthy baby. I have everything else in life. I’m married to the love of my life, have a beautiful home, have loving support from both sides of our families (we’re super close to both sides of our families and hang out with them every weekend), have a job, etc. there’s nothing else in life that I would need to complete me besides our baby. A dream that I forever feel like it’s out of reach. Sorry for the rant, but if you read this entire post and are feeling the same way or have had a similar situation, please message me. I would love to be able to chat with people about this. The only ones that know that we went through this is our parents and siblings. I’m terrified to tell anyone else.