When I'm looking like trash but my biggest fan is in the room


Lets set the scene....im sitting propped up with pillows behind my back and some Sonic chili cheese tots in my hands eating while watching a show in bed. Husband is sitting on the foot of the bed in front of me also eating and watching.

Me: (lifts legs to sit spread eagle because my low back is hurting)

Him: (looks over between my legs) "you are so sexy. I love this crease in your thigh right here"

I look down at the crease where my legs meet my vagina. Im wearing shorts but I can CLEARLY see my growth of 2 weeks unshaven hair sticking out.

Me: "Yeah. So sexy" eyes rolling. Take another bite of my food.

Him: "you are! God I just love you so much"

Me: "you must. Im over here spread eagle with my hair growing down my thighs and stuffing my face with fried food with my big ass bloated belly"

Him: "and your ginormous titties.."

Me: "flopped over onto my stomach....with no eyebrows. So sexy."

Him: "man I love you"

LMFAO life with him is full of him adoring me while I'm doing the most mundane things and looking terrible. I am so damn lucky!! Just wanted to take a minute to appreciate him and share how ridiculous that was.