

Hey everyone so I have a problem...

So I met this guy a few years ago and we kind of dated on and off well last year before my grandma passed she of course needed more of our attention so sometimes it would be weeks before I talked to him and when I explained the situation he understood so one night after my grandma had fallen asleep I decided to sit and catch up with him now we were sort if dating at this point so I logged onto facebook messenger to send him a message just explaining stuff I figured if he was asleep he'd at least see it the next day.

What's the first message I see.... Him accusing me of cheating....... Nevermind that I caught HIM cheating 4 years before(the idiot on his own gave me his login info for the site we met on I just decided to login one day and leave a cute message before I had a chance to I saw flirty messages to other girls and flirty comments then he logged in and started leaving more comments sending more messages in front of me).

I was so pissed because he repeatedly said he was ok with only getting to talk once in a while that he understood the situation.

So even though everything in me wanted to shove something so far up his ass I was the mature woman I am and told him nicely that I was done with him and to please leave me alone.

He didn't like that he texted me for hours even days so I blocked his number ok I thought it was over... Nope... He found me in kik messaged me there blocked him there... Found me on fucking Instagram... That one scares me because they log your location who's to say he didn't dig through my pics to see what places come up most and follow me there so I blocked him on Instagram

Bet you thought that was the end right oh that's cute..

So now he constantly messages me on facebook last month idk why he said it not like I was gonna care at the end if his trying to get me back he says he's taken has someone else... Fine whatever let someone else deal with his shit

But it seems like every month he has to message me to validate that I don't want him anymore

After Instagram I got so scared every time I tell him to leave me alone or I'm calling the cops he just says go ahead it'll just prove that he never stoped loving me (p.s. called the cops to get a restraining order and because I'm in Arizona and he's in Pennsylvania there's nothing they can do so if I wind up dead in a ditch killed by my ex because if he can't have me no one will it will be on tpds head) I block him everywhere I stoped using Instagram but he still finds a way to weasel past everything is thus stalking? What else can I do I've already said that I have a boyfriend he doesn't seem to care what else is there I can do?