Pregnancy and Birth story


So bare with the long post but decided to share my birth story on Feb 6, 2019. So my whole pregnancy was difficult and long with my irritable uterus contractions starting at 13wk5d. When it started my dr couldn't tell me whether I would or would not lose the baby but could only tell me it looked good on ultrasound still. So it was very nerve wracking til we got to viability. With my first pregnancy the irritable uterus didn't start til 28wks so knew survival was good when it started with him. Well multiple medications to try and stop contractions that didn't work. Many visits with my ob and a high risk dr to keep an eye on my cervix and baby which always looked really good so it all became my new normal. 16wks we find out we are expecting a girl which we are very excited about already having a boy. Well 22wks rolls around and I go to work but feeling really off, light headed and headache. Well after almost passing out a couple times my work sends me home and we decide to go in to L&D to get checked out. While being monitored my vision goes completely double and I pass out going to the bathroom. So kept in the hospital for 4days while they ran many tests and saw many drs trying to figure out the double vision and feeling faint every time I sat up or got up. They weren't able to figure out anything so put me on a med to help with dizziness and sent me home with orders to see and optometrist since it wasn't neuro must be my eyes. So 8wks later I see a neuro/opthomologist since shes hard to get in to and holidays made it even harder but she determines that my double vision and faintness thats been coming and going is not my eyes but its due to whats called spasm of accommodation, my body and brain is basically over stressed causing it to do wierd things with my eyes. So more time passes with each week my contractions growing stronger since I'm growing bigger and the double vision and passing out getting more frequent. Well get to 35 wks and my OB is concerned with what my brain may escalate to and wants to induce at 37wks but has to clear it through the high risk dr. Well 36wk check up at high risk dr my contractions are strong and double vision and faintness are bad that day so high risk dr agrees to induction at 37wks but I was concerning so sent me to see my regular ob also that day. Things continued to escalate until I saw him so he spoke to my high risk dr and they felt it best not to wait til 37wks but to admit me, do 48hrs of steroids for her lungs and then induce at the end of 48hrs. Well got my first steroid shot that evening and settled in, next morning they are doing a nst on me as routine for pregnant women admitted and I'm contracting every 1.5-2min which this isn't out of the norm for me due to the irritable uterus but freaks the nurses out so they talk to the on call drs who send me back to l&d to be monitored for a few hrs. Well in the process of moving back downstairs my heartrate spikes, vision goes double again and I start passing out but even worse where its happening even laying down. My ob, high risk dr, and neuro come see me and determine its best to give the second steroid at the 24hr mark but not wait the next 24hrs and just start the induction right after the second steroid was given. They also agreed an epidural or spinal block is a bad idea in my case with neuro stuff going on and don't want to risk anymore escalation, so if it comes to a csection would have to do general anesthesia. So get the second steroid at 8pm feb.5, then a foley is placed at 10pm to help dialate me more since I was only 2cm dialated and 70% effaced. 5hrs later the foley comes out and I'm at a 4. Dr gives it an hr to see if labor will pick up on its own but since it doesn't starts pitocin but very low and increases it very slowly. At 5am they break my water and I'm at a 5 but still only about 70-80% effaced. I labor for awhile using a ball, standing rocking hips, hands and knees leaning on a ball in bed. Contractions are really kicking up but get checked and only at a 6, so the nurse offers tylenol or an iv pain med called staydol. Since I know I have awhile still I ask the side affects of staydol and she tells me its only given when 5 or 6 dialated because anything later can cause respiratory depression in the baby if born to soon after getting it and asked if I had ever drank because it can make you feel like a buzz does. I agree to the med which realize now the during transition and during a contraction is not rhe best time to be offered pain meds because of course you'll say yes. Well this drug does way more to me than make me feel buzzed, I go on a complete trip with hallucinations and have no control over my mind or body. I can hear everyone in the room which becomes crazy because they aren't getting me to respond well to them even though my vitals stay good. I also am apparently doing weird things like shaking like a seizure, stiffening, and I'm saying weird things. Well they have multiple drs and they are determing whether my neuro symptoms have escalated and should they do a csection or if its just side effects of the drug. Finally after an hr and a half it starts to clear enough that I can say something but know my brain is messed and I don't know why and I don't know if the baby is ok or if I am so I start yelling at them that something is wrong and they need to get her out and now because I don't know if my brains going to do something worse at this point. My mom asks if my OB will check me which he does and I'm at a 9 and so she gets close to me and explains that the baby is ok, I'm ok and that I'm at a 9 so almost there so yes baby needs to come out but I need to do it and push her out. This finally calms me since no one had bothered to explain that vitals were all good and baby was fine because they didn't think I was coherent. Which I was I could hear them just couldn't respond. So labor a little longer and my mind continues to clear, finally get the urge to push and push our beautiful girl out in 3 pushes one contraction. I get to do skin to skin, her vitals are good but shes a little more sleepy due to coming a short time after that drug was given but still manages to nurse for a short time. We stayed an extra day due to her not pooping and her glucose a little bit low but didn't need nicu time. My double vision cleared up later that evening but my eyes still occasionally act up and my left eye seems weak but things are finally improving and our girl is growing well and is strong. Amara Ruth was born Feb. 6, 2019 at 10:13 am weighed 6lbs 10oz.