Is he playing games or just dumb?

It’s been a while since I’ve dated so I’m so lost when it comes to guys. So please don’t be too harsh!

Anyways, I got on the good old Tinder and met someone. We hit it off like immediately and began texting/snapchatting everyday. Then we eventually met up, things were honestly great, we clicked pretty fast and he seemed like a decent guy.

We of course then hooked up, which the sex was REALLY GOOD, may I add. So I figured this would be the true test of his motives. But to my surprise he asked to hang out again the next day and is a total gentleman afterwards, texting me and making sure I got home safely.

Come the next day, we were supposed to hang out after I got out of class but he was still at the gym so he apologized and I said no biggie, we could always hang another day.

Then after that he slowly stops texting me as often/replying really late. So I just kind of brush it off since we were still talking everyday and he was still commenting on my snap stories so I figured it didn’t matter. Then we just stopped talking, so I decide to just hit him up and retest the waters. And things seemed to go back to normal, he even asked to hang out, but I was busy so I suggested another day and he said okay.

Thennnn he starts to leave me on delivered more often🙃 but would still snapchat me?

Then yesterday randomly he texts me asking to hang out and I say “maybe later on? :)” and he NEVER replies? Yet he’s like the first person to even look at my snap stories that same night!

Is he just playing games? Am I dumb? Or overthinking this?? What should I do? Lol

Sad thing is I don’t want a relationship just a fwb so I don’t get why he’s messing around like this. It’s just bothersome because I don’t want to look foolish😒

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