It’s driving me fucking crazy.

Me and my husband own a single wide trailer. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. However the rooms are extremely small as well as the living areas. Don’t get me wrong I’m extremely blessed to have a roof over my head and not having to worry about rent and such. Holy fuck y’all I’m so aggravated with how small of a place this is. Not only is it small but we have two big dogs and like 6 reptiles and other animals that have cages. I know,we’re the reason we have the animals obviously but lately I’ve been so aggravated because there’s like no room in this house. Everywhere I turn there’s something there. The way our house is laid out it’s like a maze. How the counters and stuff are set up,you know? I’ve mentioned many times how I want a bigger place but I don’t think we’re stable enough to get a bigger place just yet. I’ve thought about asking for a loan from the bank to just get someone to come in here and remodel our whole trailer to where there’s room and it’s comfortable to get through the house without hitting your hip on the counter or anything like that. I suffer from anxiety and depression so this is a big reason why I get so aggravated easily because I’m very ocd and I have to have a comfortable setting for me to be at peace. I know,we need to “stop getting animals”. But a lot of them were rescues and were big animal lovers so that’s why we have many. Even though most are in cages,I just feel like the cages are everywhere. I guess I’m just here to rant more then anything but mostly for advice. 😬 I don’t know what to do anymore because I feel like I’m going crazy lol.