Ferber method? Tips? Or just sleep training help


My daughter turns 7 months tomorrow. She is a very fussy and high need baby. She still only sleeps for 45 minutes to 2 hours at a time at night. She never sleeps longer then 20 minutes for a nap (which must be done in my arms) and maybe 2 naps per day if I’m lucky. She is breastfed. Our co sleeping and constant being held throughout the night is hurting my marriage physically and emotionally. My husband is currently deployed so I’m having enough stress with such a fussy baby. We have tried everything it seems and the last resort seems like sleeps training at this point. She has already started to wean her daytime feedings so I feel the nighttime will come soon and I really don’t want to end up with a toddler cosleeping 😭 just tips is needed at this point. If you don’t agree, keep your comments to yourself