I need some HELP!

Asiah • * Mother of 2 👼🏾 * Praying for a 🌈 👶🏾 but not yet * Future Natural Birther * Future Undisturbed Birther *

Okay Glow Girls...I need some help. I miscarried on 1/17, bled for 2 weeks and then started BD right away. I'm looking for AF but have been spotting for 3 days. I've had lots of CM since my bleeding stopped but I haven't checked ovulation. I just started Week 6 since my MC and I'm just wondering, if you've experienced a MC before, when did AF come back? Is it possible that I could be pregnant? Of course I'm hoping that I am although I thought AF was about to start but I've only been seeing this when I wipe SOMETIMES...and there's been nothing on my pad. Just a little pink when I wipe sometimes and nothing any other time. Could this be implantation bleeding? I didn't experience it with my last pregnancy.