Delivery room talk!


Hey Mama's. I'm curious.

How many of you have mom's who basically want to force themselves in the delivery room?

Originally when I had my first child my husband was deployed so my mom was able to be with me which was fine then.

My second daughter he was with me at that time and we told my mother we wanted it to be just us and she gave us a guilt trip crying etc so we let her stay.

We moved to another state bc my family is insanely pushy and don't know boundaries so when I got pregnant this time we were hopeful that we wouldn't have to deal with this situation again.

My mom has taken off work to come down which is whatever I'm over that part. But I explained gently that it will only be my husband and I this time and that I appreciate her help with my other labors but this was a time for me and him. I KNOW this pissed her off because she never replied to me. And I want to know if anyone else has this issue!