Freak accident?

Kayla • Infertility warrior for 6 years, endometriosis & PCOS fighter, Expecting our first baby boy 6/2021 💙 after 2 miscarriages 4/27/20👼🏼

My husband and I were supposed to start <a href="">IVF</a> in February, but when we went in for baselines, they found a cyst. I was told to restart birth control after my period started. A little over 2 weeks go by and still no period. So we set up an appointment for more baseline labs and US, when they tell me my HCG came back elevated at 0.423 or 423?

People—-I had been on birth control from January 2nd to February 3rd!!! I went in for the US and labs February 20th!! How the hell did this happen?!?!? This will be our first pregnancy and I’m super nervous it won’t work!! They say it has to be above 5 to be considered pregnant, but the doctor stated he believes they caught it in the early stages. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up, but can’t help to be a little giddy as well. Has anyone else had this happen?