Carpal tunnel



Anyone else have this in their hands now? How do you help it?

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Posted at
I got it when I was pregnant it started in my second trimester. The only thing that worked for me was wrist braces. Especially at night when the pain was the worst. I was a hairstylist so I had to get a wrist brace for during the day as well since I always used my hands.


Alisha • Feb 24, 2019
@Anna I had it in my hole right arm i am in my third trimester the wrist brace definitely work and elevate your arm up as much as possible its because of water retention in your arm that's causing the pain pain is all gone thank God


Gina • Feb 24, 2019
I’m not sure because my whole hand got it. So my Dr. Told me to go to CVS and get the wrist braces. I would talk to your Dr.


Posted at
Yes but I’ve also had it before pregnancy 😫 I lost my wrist brace but that used to help. Also try icing the area it usually brings relief, or use heat. Usually if I have a warm shower it helps my hands/wrists


Posted at
Where the wrist braces for a bit,do the stretches that are made for it but also have someone massage it out for you if it becomes too painful


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I’m a dog groomer and I’ve had it since about 20 weeks. I wear a brace on my left hand at night since that hand is completely numb all the time. Both arms/hands will go numb when I’m sleeping. I hope it’s not what puts me off work 😩


A • Mar 19, 2019
In the last day my right hand has gone numb too. Luckily the pain is still bearable. Hopefully I can make it until mat leave starts.


Gina • Feb 25, 2019
When i was pregnant i had it and i was a hairstylist i had to take my leave at 27 weeks because of it. Hopefully you won’t have to stop work early. Good luck


Posted at
I’ve had it since I was 17 weeks. I’m 26 weeks now and it’s only gotten worse. I wake up with such excruciating pain that i cry. I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I can’t wait to have my little girl cuz I cannot take it anymore. Wish there were more options on how to deal with this while pregnant.