2ww and just barley hanging on

Amanda • ttc 3yrs, unexplained infertility, hsg, sa, genetic testing, 4 iui's (3clomid,1injectables),ivf successful with a girl 2017, FET feb 2019 , due oct 2019

oh my gosh these days are going by soooooooo slow.... ill take a test on wednesday 2/27 but keep in mind i didnt get a bfp the first

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

until 10 days after..... but if i see a bfn i will die a little inside... i just want to know yes or no right now so i can process my emotions and move forward whatever the result. my husband is always so positive and supportive, and i just want to crawl out of my skin with nerves.... i distract myself but im not going to kid myself im really just mindlessly waiting going to the actions as i only have this embaby on my mind.