Scared... Rainbow Baby

Kimberly • Married 5 yrs,two angel babies

So I got a positive pregnancy test. I hate to say my first reaction was terrified. Don't get me wrong I want a baby and to be a Mom. Just the past has created this fear. My first pregnancy I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. My second pregnancy I went with a better clinic all was good all tests showed everything was good. Well I ended up delivery my baby at 19 weeks in a bathroom. I keep praying that this becomes a successful pregnancy. It's not easy when my doctor has pushed my first to be a 10 weeks. Stress and fear are weighing heavy on my shoulders. On top of it I have a horrible cold no voice, swollen glands and horrible deep cough. I can't take anything but Tylenol. I hope this cold doesn't cause any issues. Sorry for venting need to let it out somewhere. Praying for positive vibes and a healthy rainbow baby.