Lonely but he's laying right beside me


Lately Ive been sort of torn. It seems like he doesn't love me anymore. We've been together for 4 years and wanted nothing more than to start a family together. And now I'm pregnant with our first child and he seems so distant. He isn't really showing much interest in our developing fetus there are no cute moments of bonding, no cute pics of the progress of the bump nothing...from him alteast. I know we have had our problems in the past and he isn't very quick to forgive...but let's be real we are two consenting adults and me getting pregnant didnt happen on accident...I guess what I'm saying is why did bring me this far to create such space??? I'm 15 weeks and his mom nor family has even asked "what can we do"? Idk if I'm just being too hopefull or over romanticizing pregnancy and relationships in my head or if I'm really going to be alone during my pregnancy. My intuition is raging with this theory that he doesn't fully believe this is his child (I've never cheated on him) but he has always been suspicious of me because I kissed another guy two years ago. Maybe he has a right to be suspicious but why say you forgive but you really dont...I'm just tired of blaming myself. I want to have a healthy and happy pregnancy where my baby can feel the love of its parents before arriving in this world.