Sick Puppy


My pupper has been throwing up clear bubbly foamy. A few days ago it was once. Today he threw up 5 times. I cannot take him to the vet until tomorrow cause I’m at work all day.

He was acting normal. Now today after throwing up has been laying in the corner. I have searched a lot and it says I shouldn’t worry. But I am.

He is up to date on vaccines as of last week. I hope it isn’t Parvo. And maybe just an upset stomach. He has a sister and she threw up once and is fine and acting normal.

I was told to try giving him whole milk, rice and chicken, and baby pedialyte. I will try that.

If anyone has experienced this with their dogs or have any advice on what I should do I would appreciate it. I’m tight on money and hope it won’t cost too much at the vet. Thank you!