Never want another dog

I used to really love animals, especially dogs. I worked in that field and know a lot about them too. My husband and I got s dog when we got married and he’s not the greatest, never has been, but we’ve tried.

Now that I have kids it’s very difficult to like him. I try my best to give him a good life and do what I can as far as attention and toys and treats and exercise but at the same time I know it sounds bad but I’m like counting down the years till he dies so I don’t have to deal with him anymore.

Having this dog has really turned me off of dogs to the point where I think they are disgusting and annoying and really never want another as I don’t feel like they are worth the trouble.

He’s hated people since we got him despite lot of effort, training and socialization on our parts. He was never abused or anything. It makes me nervous that if my kids have friends over I will have to keep him far away because he will scare them and I don’t trust him. He’s done thousands of dollars of damage chewing our house, specifically electronics. He doesn’t listen, always breaks out of our yard and runs off, kills small animals and then tries getting all in my kids faces with his mouth. He ruins my furniture and sheds everywhere. He’s obnoxiously loud all the time. It’s just so much trouble without the reward of him ever wanting to love or cuddle us.

Edit: He has a home where he gets everything he needs and then some. I try to love him but he does not like physical affection, never has. If you pet him he sort of takes it unwillingly, you cuddle him and he walks off. I can’t help how I feel. I want him to live his life but whenever he does go it will be a relief for me.

Edit 2: wow. Some of you judgemental people need to calm down. I didn’t post this in fur babies for exactly this reason. This is a confession that I do not feel bonded with my dog and that his behavior is making my life very difficult.

I have stated that I would like to rehome the dog but my husband is of the mind that if you get a dog you don’t get rid of it ever, so for everyone acting like this dog is in a terrible home or something. No. My husband consistently tries with the dog but he doesn’t like him any more than he likes anyone else. He basically puts up with us.

And as stated for those who are all “of you hate dogs you shouldn’t have gotten one,” I really enjoyed dogs before I had him.

When we got him he was the only dog in a shopping cart. The people told us it was because he was young and hadn’t had his shots yet, but assured us he was very sweet and loved everyone. We later realized he was in the cart so we wouldn’t see how he backed/ran away from everyone who came near him. We thought at first he was just scared or shy, but quickly realized he only came to us for needs. He enjoyed play, but not physical affection. He literally scowls when you pet him. He will leave if he can. He will sit on the couch but if you come sit down he leaves immediately; usually doesn’t even want to be in the same room as us. Like I stated, we spent a lot of money of training as well as behavioral training with a specialist though the vet. It did nothing. I was able to tolerate a lot more from him before I was pregnant and had kids because I had the time and energy for it.

As for his breed, we don’t know. He is 100lbs. He definitely has malamute/husky and they told us St. Bernard or Sher pei, but we are not sure. I am actually looking at getting the testing to see if he has any wolf as I am thinking that could explain his behavior. I will also look into medication with our vet.