The most cruel joke...chemical pregnancy


Hi ladies,

I left Glow about a week ago when I found out I was pregnant...I had all the signs, but unfortunately, my doctor called me to tell me that my hcg was dropping and that I will miscarry. I wasn’t even 5 weeks yet. I started bleeding yesterday...

I’m 38 and would really like to TTC ASAP. Any mommas out there who got pregnant right away after a chemical pregnancy?

I’m going to use my leftover ovulation strips when I finish bleeding and try again... but I’m just afraid of another miscarriage...

I had a loss in my family last week and I almost got into a car accident so I’m wondering with all the grief and the close call was too much for my body...or could have been a bad egg or sperm...who knows. Just trying to press on. Thank you for any insight or advice!