
I know they say not to freak out, but I’m 24w and today I just haven’t been able to feel baby move as much. I’ve felt him a few times but yesterday I could literally see my belly move. It just makes me a little nervous when I can’t feel him as good 😥

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I went to the hospital today about my baby girl not moving as much. I'm only 22 weeks but I've been feeling her strongly since 18 weeks. Last week I was starting to work out a pattern, then she was so quiet for a few days, I put it down to her sleeping/facing the wrong way/etc. Then this morning she wasnt moving at all. I'm glad I went, it put my mind at ease (she's fine) but it also showed she's measuring a tad small so I'm booked in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks. Honestly, I'd call the midwife or Dr to make sure. It's better to be safe than sorry ☺️


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This was me yesterday. I drank a cold glass of chocolate milk and she started rolling all around. :)


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Have a icy drink at sit on the couch and feel if baby moves


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Have a sweet snack.


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I freak out too...but they still have so much room in there. But it’s still nerve racking when you know they have been so active


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I have an anterior placenta and I can usually only feel her if I’m laying on my side. But it never hurts to call your doctor. Better safe than sorry.


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I had that same problem, but it can be normal because the baby can be just sleeping or you’re too active to feel baby move. My doctor let me know as long as you feel baby move once a day it should be fine. But to be safe you could always call your midwife but don’t stress over it because remember baby feels when mommy is stressed and don’t want that.