Im beyond blessed..

Crystal • Mother & Wife 👩🏽‍🦱💍

I have 3 live children and 1 baby currently in the oven 31weeks pregnant due too arrive in 5 weeks. Ilove my children too death I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I wake up and wanna throw my hands up and forget about everything but I look in one room then I go too the other and see these 3 soundly sleeping and I realize Everytime that my life's worth living for.. I can't stop now and I won't stop now. In 24 years old a very young mom but I strive protect and love my kids the way a parent is supposed to. My children are gonna always know that if they can't count on noone they can count on me I'm always gonna be here through EVERYTHING I'm their biggest fan 😭😍😍